Sunday, November 28, 2010

Choice Week 12

For class this week I investigated a website designed to aid students with studying. The website can be found at

This site has some pre-made study topics, but it also allows you to put your own topic and information into a template. Once you have selected/created a topic, the website will take you through a preview of what you will learn, then display the information, then quiz you on the information. I find this website extremely beneficial! I would definitely take the time in a high school classroom to explicitly teach students how to use this website because it helps students study. This is particularly helpful to students who do not have parents at home available to help them study. It not only helps the students learn the material, but it helps them learn how to study.

1 comment:

  1. This website seems so beneficial, I am glad you found it! It would really help students study, there is another website I know of as well were you can make flash cards. I cant remember the exact site but if you google flash cards its one of the first websites!
