We live in a technological world, so I am by no means disputing the importance of teaching children how to use technology. It is without a doubt a skill that students need in order to be successful in our society. I can't help but wonder, however, about the students who have no access to computers and other technologies. Assignments that either focus on technology or use technology as a tool are great for students who either have enough money at home to own a computer or live in an area that has easy access to computers. What about the students that have no access to computers at home or at school? Not only do these children get left behind on assignments that involve technology, but they do not learn the skills necessary to function in today's society.
The question, then, is how do we balance our response to the need for technology and the lack of technological resources? In a perfect world, of course, we could find some funding somewhere to provide everyone with a computer that has the basic capabilities. Sadly, this is not a perfect world. Perhaps we teach abstractly, having children memorize steps in order for using computers. Maybe they take turns using a single computer.
I don't mean to solely rant here, I am actually looking for input as I will most likely be working in areas with few technological resources. If anyone has ideas, please share!